During my 7 weeks camped out at the Lukeville, Arizona, port of entry, a Border Patrol agent threatened to arrest me because I was filming on the border road right next to the port.
The agent ironically told me I could be arrested for trespassing as about 1000 illegal aliens were lined up against the border wall. They had come through cuts in the wall to the west.
The arrow in the photo below shows where the agent threatened to arrest me. The arrest threat took place about a month before I took the photo below.

I walked up and down the road filming for almost 6 hours during a livestream on Facebook and no other Border Patrol agents told me to move, they actually conversed with me.

(Note: If anyone has an account on Free Republic, I’d appreciate it if you would post this article so we reach more people. Thank you).
In the video below you can hear the border agent sternly saying, “You’re going to have to leave the area. You cannot be out here. You can be arrested for trespassing.”
When I told him that National Parks told me I could be on the road, just not in a vehicle, he said NO you can’t be here.
He lied & said I couldn’t be there. A park ranger said I COULD be there & that Border Patrol has NO control over the road, the National Parks Service does, & that I have First Amendment rights.
WATCH and note how the agent becomes more aggressive even as I’m walking away as he instructed.
A corrupt Border Patrol agent threatened to ARREST me because I was filming on the border road by the Lukeville port of entry. He lied & said I couldn't be there. A park ranger said I COULD be & that BP has NO control over the road, National Parks does, & that I have 1A rights. I… pic.twitter.com/rmB1L4Jchb
— Just Jeff From Cali (@liberty_clarion) February 15, 2024
This was the scene earlier that day about a half mile from the port.
10/29. One of the insane scenes I saw on the border in Lukeville. BP occasionally had the illegal aliens march from the tent camp to the port of entry on a backroad when there were too many to transport. CC: @DustinStockton pic.twitter.com/Nf6qJIjTOX
— Just Jeff From Cali (@liberty_clarion) December 18, 2023
My 7 Weeks On The Border In Lukeville, Arizona – Shocking Photo And Video Gallery
I spoke to a woman who lives in Mexico across from Lukeville. She said everyone there is corrupt from the Mexican National Guard, the police, and the judges. She said only the Mexican National Army could be trusted.
I believe the corruption extends to the U.S. side.
Out of all the Border agents I met in 7 weeks filming in Lukeville, that agent was the worst and seemed like he didn’t want me to film what was going on. The American people have a right to know what’s happening on the border, though.
When I camped at the port, this is basically what it looked like day and night. I would be woken up sometimes while I slept in my Jeep there.
A crowd of illegal aliens just walked by my Jeep where I camp and work at the now-shut down Lukeville, AZ Port of Entry. About 5-600 crossed through since last night. Border wall was cut near here. Will be at the wall and tent camp later. pic.twitter.com/a0ojJPM9gR
— Just Jeff From Cali (@liberty_clarion) December 4, 2023
All the other agents were pretty cool and gave me awesome info on where to film stuff going down. There was also an angry female CBP agent who threatened to arrest me at the port. We need to vet all agents to weed out the bad ones because the cartels and smuggling groups surely have a grip on some of them.
Be sure to follow my X account (formerly Twitter). I have tons of videos from my 7 weeks camped in Lukeville there (check the Highlights section of my profile).
My Related Lukeville Border Video Articles:
White Man Sneaks Across Border Illegally With Young Son – The Reason Why Will Infuriate You
My 6-hour Livestream On The Border In Lukeville In 3 Minutes
I Filmed MORE Syrian Illegal Aliens Who Came Through A Cut-Open Border Wall In Arizona
I Forgot A Camera On The Border, What It Filmed Was SHOCKING – WATCH
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