Urgent Message From Triple-Amputee Vet Slowly Dying In Prison For Building A Border Wall

Hello, everyone. I received a new message from triple-amputee Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage; he asked me to release. The official Free Amputee Vet Brian Kolfage page is on Substack.

Kolfage was wrongfully imprisoned by the infamous SDNY Democrat operatives over being paid an approved salary for his part in getting miles of privately funded border wall built in Texas and New Mexico. I was the videographer & news editor for Brian’s organization, and I am heading up the movement to get him a pardon from President Trump.

Brian Kolfage receiving his Purple Heart

Here’s the new message from Brian:

I want to thank everyone who has continued to advocate for my release from President Trump. Up till this point, I have felt like my country has abandoned me, even after everything I have given in the name of freedom—all three limbs. It’s all the red MAGA-hat-wearing Americans who give me the motivation to keep fighting every single day.

Brian at the top of the wall he had constructed. Photo by Jeff Rainforth

Each day that I wake up in this hell hole, it’s a reminder of how the government stabbed me in the back for building a border wall. The globalist elite knew that they couldn’t stop us from building unless they used lawfare.

(Below is a short video of the construction of the border wall Brian is speaking of. I filmed construction from start to finish.)

The same prosecutors who targeted President Trump targeted me, Stephen Bannon, Tim Shea, along with other members of We Build The Wall. They were not just happy with stopping us; they wanted to ruin our lives and reputations forever.

(Before and after photos of the border wall.)

The Obama activist judge abused her role and seemed to work in partnership with the prosectors.

On top of sentencing me to prison for 51 months, she fined me $2.8 million, which was her attempt to ruin me financially after I finish my sentence.

For 2 years of hard work on the border, I was paid $150,000 each year; this is more proof. The judge continued to make statements like “they raided a non-profit” and “stole people’s life savings,” all of which are 100% false. We never “raided” or “stole” anything, and the average donation was $50. The prosecutors took legitimate expenses and turned them into falsehoods.

(The wall Brian had built.)

The highest expense at We Build The Wall was the law firm Barnes & Thornburg, which was originally started by former Vice President Mike Pence. This law firm handed me my first paycheck, which obviously wasn’t an issue for them as it was their job to oversee the legality of this organization. However, none of this information would ever make it to court nor the jury on Tim Shea’s trial.

(Another short video of the wall’s construction)

Tim’s first trial ended in a hung jury as one juror stood up and stated the trial was 100% a political witch hunt and that he would not convict Tim on any of their bogus charges. The jurors even attempted to get that juror replaced with an alternate so that they could convict Tim, but they failed.

The SDNY then re-tried Tim and made the jury pool full of anti-Trump supporters by asking where they get their news from, and the judge wouldn’t allow key financial evidence into the 2nd trial that was allowed into the first. The entire trial was rigged!

This entire case was a fraud from the start, just to take out Stephen K. Bannon. However, he was pardoned, and we were left to have our lives destroyed by the infamous Southern District of New York, who looked at us as nothing more than MAGA notches on their belts.

The truth will all soon come out; I’m going to write a book with all the evidence and a possible Netflix documentary about it all to follow.

The official Free Amputee Vet Brian Kolfage page is on Substack. Please subscribe for future updates and to help spread the word.

I created several photo montages to advocate for a pardon for Brian on social media. Those montages are on the official page here. We could use all the help we can get.

I’ve worked with Brian since 2015, and he brought me on to We Build the Wall as the photographer and news editor. I am heading up the movement to get him a pardon. We are also advocating for a pardon for Tim Shea. The best way to help is to subscribe to the Substack page, follow me on X, or Truth Social where Trump is more active.

I regularly post photos of construction of the We Build The Wall border wall on my Facebook. I will also be releasing start-to-finish construction videos on my YouTube.

If anyone would like to get in touch with Kolfage, you can write him in prison. Do not disparage prison staff when writing.

How to write Brian:

Only use black ink on white paper, printed or handwritten.

Send correspondence to:
Federal Medical Center Rochester
Brian Kolfage 26978-017
PO Box 4000
Rochester, MN. 55903

If you haven’t read the shocking original story about how Brian is slowly dying in the federal prison, it’s here on the official page.

Thanks to all who are supporting the movement to get Brian a pardon and get him home where he belongs!

Brian Kolfage with his wife, Ashley, and their children
Brian Kolfage and I (Jeff Rainforth) at an event at the wall.
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