Triple-Amputee Vet Just Issued Statement On Wall Fund – It’s Happening!

My good friend, triple-amputee veteran Airman Brian Kolfage has raised almost $20 million for the construction of a wall on our southern border.

Kolfage, who started the wall fundraiser in December, made his second trip to the nation’s capital last week to finish putting together the all-star team that will help get the wall built. During his first trip, he was in talks with elected officials & others regarding how the money would be spent on the wall. There are highly influential people backing Airman Kolfage now, and it’s been told that Trump & his top aides are aware of what’s going on.

Kolfage released a statement on the progress of the wall fund yesterday, writing that everything is in place, they are just waiting for lawyers to iron out some details.

Kolfage stated on his Twitter:

“Getting lots of messages about when the big announcement is coming. Hang tight, its HUGE and I’m at the mercy of lawyers who are finalizing things. We have the backing like you’ve never seen before. It’s Happening guys, we are building that BIG CONCRETE WALL!”

Like Jeff on Facebook HERE for the latest conservative news & inside news on Airman Kolfage’s Wall campaign!

The “backing” Kolfage is speaking of are major political players who you know very well, captains of industry, elected officials, and Hollywood conservatives among others. I’ve seen the names of those involved, and it’s extremely impressive that people of such high caliber have joined in to help Kolfage in such a short amount of time. One of the “Hollywood conservatives” who has joined Kolfage has starred in over 100 movies & TV series, many of them blockbusters. Those supporting the wall campaign will definitely have a “Wow!” moment when the list of backers & team members is released. I chatted with Brian today & he said they are very close to revealing the team.

Share this if you support Airman Kolfage & want the wall!

RELATED: Golden Globe Winners: ‘Tear Down Wall & Open Borders,’ Amputee Vet Sets Them Straight REAL Fast

Of course, some on the left, especially those in Hollywood, have mocked Airman Kolfage’s effort, insinuating that it’s racist and that he should be helping vets or government employees who are affected by the government shutdown. Actress Alyssa Milano, failed comedian Jimmy Kimmel, and George Takei, the actor who played Lieutenant Sulu on the original Star Trek TV series, are a few of those on the left who have come after Brian.

Despite the attacks from the left, Kolfage’s campaign to build the wall has kept growing at a record pace thanks to hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans. When he announced that he was raising funds to build a wall on the border, donations poured in. In just three days, contributions for the wall shot to over $10 million. News networks nationwide jumped on the story. The campaign became the second-most donated to on GoFundMe for 2018 in under two weeks. The other day, a man donated 2000 billboards to advertise Kolfage’s wall fundraiser across the U.S.

When Airman Kolfage was in DC last week, he visited Nancy Pelosi’s office to collect the $1 she had pledged for the wall. Of course, after being told she would be in her office, when he showed up, her staffers said she wasn’t there (She was, we’re sure. She just couldn’t face him because she’s a coward).

Border Wall GoFundMe Founder Drops By Pelosi's Office To Collect $1

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would donate $1 dollar to help build Trump's WALL during a recent press conference, — so Brian Kolfage, a triple-amputee Veteran and founder of the BORDER WALL GoFundMe decided to head down to the U.S. Capitol to collect…

Posted by American Voices on Friday, January 4, 2019

I’ve been good friends & worked with Airman Kolfage for years, and when he says he’s going to do something, he does it, and in a Big way. When Kolfage reveals who he’s been working with, and what’s about to happen, the campaign will explode & become much bigger than anyone could have imagined. Exciting things are about to happen & we won’t need Pelosi, or Dems or politicians to fund the wall. We’re going to do it ourselves!

Brian is putting in massive of amounts of time to help keep us safe from criminals & drug gangs. His continued service to his country is amazing seeing that he already gave three limbs for our freedom. Remember to keep Kolfage & his family in your prayers, there are many on the left who are coming after him with threats because they want him to fail. He doesn’t know how to fail, though. He will accomplish this mission & see the wall built!

Thank you, Airman Kolfage for all you are doing for our country!

Here’s what you can do to help Airman Kolfage:

To donate to Kolfage’s wall fund, go to the official GoFundMe account HERE

SEND CHECK DONATIONS TO (This is listed on the official GoFundMe account so you can verify):
Make Payable to: WeFund The Wall
Brian Kolfage
4833 Front St. Unit B-158
Castle Rock, CO 80104

The official wall fundraiser site is at
Follow Airman Kolfage on Twitter HERE
Like his verified Facebook page HERE

To help Kolfage personally:

Purchase coffee from his company by going to
Follow Military Grade Coffee on Instagram
Follow Military Grade Coffee on Twitter

Like Jeff on Facebook HERE for the latest conservative news & inside news on Airman Kolfage’s Wall campaign!

This article was written by Jeff Rainforth for and originally appeared here. It was republished & edited with permission.

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