Since President Trump is talking about doing away with the income tax, here’s what John H. Cochrane, a senior fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford, says about it. His article appeared on the University
Ocasio Cortez shared a video on Instagram with a leftist woman in it saying that inflation is propaganda. Everyone knows that this is utter bs. Prices have risen so much since Biden came into office
Facebook is suppressing traffic to the websites of conservative journalists. They can't control our email, though! Don't let Zuckerberg decide what news you get to see! Support independent journalism by signing up for my email newsletters! You will get my footage from leftist riots, border wall construction, and more. Enter your email below! Thank you!
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Jeff Rainforth is a freelance photographer & news editor covering events on the US/Mexico border, and riots & unrest in Democrat-run cities.
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