Triple-amputee vet Brian Kolfage sent me this video about an hour ago.
Kolfage is big on the wounded warrior circuit and is in touch with tons of veterans. I’ve worked on his projects since 2015 and covered him since 2012 when I wrote for Hollywood conservative Pat Dollard, the top talent agent-turned-HBO war correspondent.

The story deals with retired Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher who was brought up on war crimes charges and found not guilty.
According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, “Gallagher was accused of several war crimes by some of his platoon subordinates, including that he shot civilians and stabbed a wounded ISIS fighter in the neck, killing him, while in Iraq in 2017. He pleaded not guilty and was acquitted of most charges, but was convicted of posing for a photo with an Isis fighter’s corpse, a crime for which the jury reduced his rank.”
The case and its fallout received extensive media coverage, especially among conservative outlets such as Fox News, where network personalities lobbied President Donald Trump on-air for months to intervene on Gallagher’s behalf.

Trump intervened in the case several times including ordering Gallagher released from confinement before trial and restoring the SEAL’s rank post-conviction.
Trump eventually pardoned Gallagher.
Now, Gallager has released an in-depth video describing how GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a fellow SEAL himself, screwed him over and tried to get other Reps not to support him so he would end up in prison. It’s the first time he’s ever shared it.
The Tribune goes on in the 2020 piece, ““For my entire adult life, I’ve had the honor and privilege of fighting for this country and your freedom,” Gallagher says in the beginning of the video. “Even though I went to trial and exposed all the lies that were said about me by certain cowards in my platoon and found not guilty, there are those to this day who refuse to accept that fact.””
Gallagher appears to be referencing The New York Times and its reporter David Philipps, who appeared in the December episode of The Weekly.
“The fight to clear my name is not over,” Gallagher says.
Kolfage posted on his Instagram right after Gallagher, saying “Must watch always knew @dancrenshawtx was a fu*king rat bastard. He did the same stuff with supporting the border wall. @eddie_gallagher.”
Gallagher actually calls out Crenshaw in the video saying he’ll be in DC if he wants to talk to him like a man.