Mexican news outlets are reporting that the first migrants have arrived at the southern border.
Several videos show migrants scaling & gathering near the border fence.
Breitbart reported:
“Video footage released by various Mexican news agencies show the first group of migrants with a caravan of 7,000 to 10,000 Central Americans have arrived at the United States-Mexico border.
In live video footage by Televisa Tijuana Oficial and FRONTERA, Central American migrants reportedly with the caravan can be seen scaling a border fence that separates Tijuana, Mexico, and San Diego, California.”
LLega parte de la Caravana Migrante al muro de Playas de Tijuana
LLega parte de la Caravana Migrante al muro de Playas de Tijuana
Posted by Televisa Tijuana Oficial on Tuesday, November 13, 2018
The video shows migrant caravan members climb atop the border fence at Playas de Tijuana as U.S. Border Patrol agents monitor from the U.S. side. https://t.co/OcItRugEhv pic.twitter.com/ZwQfg32DtB
— AM 760 KFMB (@760kfmb) November 14, 2018
Update: Video from the San Diego Union-Tribune that was shared by Fox 5.
Video from NBC 7 San Diego (More videos of the fence being scaled at the bottom of the article).
Video from ABC 10 San Diego (They were having technical issues with sound but you can see the cameraman zoom in on migrants at the top of the border fence).
San Diego ABC 10News Live Stream
CARAVAN ARRIVES AT U.S. BORDER: Border Patrol agents take a position near Friendship Park while crews work to install equipment.
Posted by 10News – ABC San Diego KGTV on Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Below is a Google translation of the Mexican news site Debate.com.mx:
“Tijuana, Baja California – After making a stop in the hostel of the Salesian Breakfast Room of Padre Chava located in the Central Zone, the migrants who arrived in Tijuana today decided to move to Playas.
The Central Americans left in group and crossed the road to Playas de Tijuana between the support and the rejection of many motorists; They were escorted by municipal agents and personnel of the National Institute of Migration.
They indicated that they decided not to stay in Father Chava’s shelter because they do not want to separate, and in that place there was probably no room for everyone.
When they arrived in Playas de Tijuana, the migrants went to the border fence, some of them climbed it and others even dared to jump on the other side, to the United States.
According to journalist Alfredo Álvarez, the Central Americans rejected the support of the Mexican government and decided to camp in Playas.
It should be noted that many of the members of this part of the Caravan commented that they will not apply for asylum in the United States due to the strict measures that President Donald Trump raised.”
Below is a Google translation of the Mexican news site Frontera.info:
“A group of Central American migrants arrived at Playas de Tijuana, after walking from the downtown area.
Groups mostly of young people, they walked along the road to Playas and arrived this afternoon to the fractionation.
Some motorists have stopped to offer their support, while others shout to them to leave.
Young people do not lose their good humor and keep walking.
A particular case occurred in a family that traveled in a car, while the daughter offered them bottles of water, the mother of the girl shouted that she did not agree with his arrival.
When arriving at Playas de Tjuana, a small group helped a woman who had problems with her car.
The woman at the end thanked them and offered words of encouragement.
The hundreds of migrants are already in Playas de Tijuana, where they got on the border mesh asking them to accept them.
However, on the other side they are being watched by elements of the United States Border Patrol.
Even several of them already jumped the fence.
This is the second group of Central American migrants that arrive in the city, the first was made up of more than 80 people from the LGBT community.”
Migrante salta el cerco en Playas de Tijuana
Posted by Televisa Tijuana Oficial on Tuesday, November 13, 2018
#EnVivoCaminando a Playas de #Tijuana la #CaravanaMigrante.José Ibarra en #CoberturaEspecial para #GrupoHealy
Posted by Frontera.info on Tuesday, November 13, 2018