This is from my most recent 3-state border tour.
I hiked & climbed an insane mountain path that cartels & coyotes use to get illegal aliens across the border.
The We Build the Wall (WBTW) private border wall cut off 19 cartel trails so anyone wanting to get in (like rapists, fentanyl traffickers, CCP spies, or Radical Islamic terrorists) has to trek around the mountain. The Catholic Church owns the land at the top and won’t sell nor allow walls to be built. It would have to be taken by eminent domain. Below is one of the drone videos I took while visiting on my tour.
I was the videographer and news editor for WBTW and was the only person besides “Foreman Mike” allowed at the site during construction. I filmed the construction of the wall from start to finish. It was kept a secret so leftists wouldn’t hold protests and so insane Democrats who are being paid off by cartels wouldn’t try to stop the project. It was a crazy time there in 2019 right before the rona was released by China to hurt Trump’s reelection chances.

UPDATE Sept. 4, 2023: I will be covering the entire border non-stop with ground cameras and drones if we get monthly recurring contributions totaling $5000. I paid for my border tour last year and invested/spent around $20,000, mostly for pro-camera equipment. With small donors chipping in monthly, I’ll be able to stay on the border and visit all of the hotspots where mass illegal crossings happen. If we don’t reach the $5000 or it’s deemed not feasible to do continuous coverage, contributions will be refunded minus the payment processor’s transaction fee. I would do it myself, but it’s very expensive doing this kind of reporting. If border security is important to you, contribute today!
You can adjust the amount to give per month by increasing the QUANTITY on the page you will be directed to (This is the Stripe payment system).
This is one of the hundreds of videos I shot of WBTW’s border wall being constructed. This one is about cartel paths being cut off.
Triple-amputee vet Brian Kolfage and Steve Bannon sent me around the world at the time (Oct-Nov 2019) to film a documentary on border walls. This was right before we found out China had released the rona virus. I was in China filming the Great Wall for Bannon & Kolfage. Below is one of the videos I shot.
Just prior to that they had me embed with the Hong Kong protesters to film their fight for freedom from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Below is one of my first videos in Hong Kong where CCP riot police almost took me out.
Back to the story at hand. On this tour, I hiked & climbed a mountain path that cartels & cartel coyotes use to get illegal aliens across the border in order to circumvent the WBTW wall. The We Build the Wall private border wall cut off 19 cartel trails so anyone wanting to get in has to trek around the mountain. I saw the trails in 2019 when WBTW was building the wall. Here’s Part 1 of the video. There are several more parts coming as I filmed the entire trek up the mountain. They will be on my RAINFORTH REPORT YouTube which you should subscribe to for more videos.

WATCH: Walking the mountain where illegals come in near the private border wall.
The Catholic Church owns the land at the top and won’t sell nor allow walls to be built. It would have to be taken by eminent domain.
Steve Bannon had me on War Room to discuss what I was seeing.
I have about 5500 videos and photos to edit from the last border tour alone and it’s an insane amount of work.
Someone needs to document the left’s handing America over to terrorist cartel organizations who are working with the CCP to bring the country our families fought to build & hold as a beacon of freedom for the world to an end. I recently got a leukemia diagnosis but it’s currently non-aggressive so no treatment is needed. I plan on doing another border tour as soon as economically feasible.
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