Lindsey Graham has been President Trump’s co-pilot from the Senate ever since he came alive during the Kavanaugh hearings. When Graham isn’t straightening out newly elected Dem-socialist Ocasio-Cortez for likening the Holocaust to the migrant caravan, or shredding liberal talking heads over their treatment of Trump vs how they treated Obama regarding border issues, the senator from South Carolina is backing Trump in big ways.
Graham urged President Trump to “dig in” over border wall funding today.
Via Daily Caller:
“Sen. Lindsey Graham urged President Donald Trump on Sunday not to concede funding for the border wall when he meets with Democrats Sen. Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi later in the week.
“If I were the president, I would dig in and not give in on additional wall funding — I’d want the whole $5 billion because the caravan is a game changer,” the South Carolina Republican said on “Sunday Morning Futures.” “$1.6 billion is available to the president, he wants $5 billion, and after the caravan, if you don’t see the need for additional border wall security, you’re just not paying much attention.”
Trump, who is meeting with the two Democratic leaders on Tuesday to see if they can agree on a deal to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and various other departments, has been facing threats of a government shutdown from members of both parties.”
“Listen to this, the incoming speaker of the House has said building a wall along our southern border is immoral. Immoral,” Graham replied. “What are you looking at Nancy Pelosi? Look at the caravan. Look at the charge against the border. Look at the caravans that are to come. Look at the holes in our border security.”
“So, here’s the problem. You’ve got the Democratic leader-to-be in the House calling border security, a wall component, immoral,” Graham continued. “If I’m President Trump Tuesday, I would tell Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer that we’re going to build a wall where it makes sense.”
On Friday, Senator Ted Cruz and other Republicans introduced a bill to fund construction of President Trump’s wall to the tune of $25 billion. GOP lawmakers plan on cracking down on benefits for illegal aliens to pay for it.
Three days prior to Senators introducing the bill, President Trump Tweeted:
“Could somebody please explain to the Democrats (we need their votes) that our Country losses 250 Billion Dollars a year on illegal immigration, not including the terrible drug flow. Top Border Security, including a Wall, is $25 Billion. Pays for itself in two months. Get it done!”
Could somebody please explain to the Democrats (we need their votes) that our Country losses 250 Billion Dollars a year on illegal immigration, not including the terrible drug flow. Top Border Security, including a Wall, is $25 Billion. Pays for itself in two months. Get it done!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2018
Thank you, Graham & Cruz! Let’s get this done!
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