My friend, triple-amputee vet Airman Brian Kolfage, made his second trip to the nation’s capital a few days ago to finalize a deal to use funds he has raised to build a wall on our southern border. In a little over two weeks, Kolfage has raised almost $19 million for the wall.
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity for the Purple Heart recipient. When Kolfage announced that he was raising funds to build a wall on the border, donations poured in. In just three days, contributions for the wall shot to over $10 million. News networks nationwide jumped on the story, as did those on the left in Hollywood.
Like Jeff on Facebook HERE for the latest conservative news & inside news on Airman Kolfage’s Wall campaign!
Has-been actress Alyssa Milano and failed comedian Jimmy Kimmel mocked Airman Kolfage for his effort to keep Americans safe. George Takei, the actor who played Lieutenant Sulu on the TV series Star Trek, mocked Kolfage & those who support a border wall, even suggesting that they are racists. Liberals attacked Airman Kolfage’s coffee company, leaving racist reviews so people wouldn’t buy his coffee which is how he supports his family.
RELATED: Amputee Vet Just Landed In DC For Wall Talks – Shames ‘Lazy’ Dems With ONE Pic
Despite the attacks from the left, Kolfage’s campaign to build the wall kept growing at a record pace thanks to hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans. The campaign became the second-most donated to on GoFundMe for 2018 in under two weeks. The other day, a man donated 2000 billboards to advertise Kolfage’s wall fundraiser across the U.S.
Airman Kolfage was in the nation’s capital last week for talks with elected officials & others regarding how the money would be spent on the wall. He returned to D.C. on Wednesday to meet with high-level powerbrokers & to finish assembling an all-star team that will help make the wall a reality. Then, yesterday, Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House. After she was elected, reporters asked her about funding for the border wall.
RELATED: Amputee Vet In DC: Dems Enabling Illegal Border Crossers, We’re Going To STOP THEM – WATCH
According to The Hill, Pelosi “was asked whether there’s any scenario under which Democrats would accept “even a dollar” for new construction of Trump’s border wall.” Pelosi responded, “A dollar? A dollar? Yeah, one dollar.” The newly-elected Speaker then went on to say that the “wall is an immorality” despite Democrats such as Schumer, Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary supporting border fencing before.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi jokes about paying $1 for President Trump's border wall https://t.co/VWOKP8yPws pic.twitter.com/dPaMyonKpX
— The Hill (@thehill) January 4, 2019
Airman Kolfage quickly jumped at the chance to take Pelosi up on her offer. The triple-amputee war vet Tweeted this to loose-teeth Pelosi:
“Hey @SpeakerPelosi I’m going to stop by your officer tomorrow to collect that donation. We are building the wall and you can’t stop this one!”
Hey @SpeakerPelosi I’m going to stop by your officer tomorrow to collect that donation. We are building the wall and you can’t stop this one! https://t.co/8DqzqxxIY1#GoFundTheWall @RyanAFournier @DeplorableChoir @MarkDice @STEPHMHAMILL @gatewaypundit @JenLawrence21 @Surabees
— Brian Kolfage (@BrianKolfage) January 4, 2019
Share this if you support Airman Kolfage & want the Wall!
Kolfage sent me a text right after he posted the Tweet & let me know that he is actually going to show up at Pelosi’s office and ask for her $1 contribution. He has a team that is going to accompany him & take video of the whole thing. How hilarious is that going to be, seeing a triple-amputee war hero taking a donation for the wall from anti-wall Pelosi! She’ll be sucking her teeth like there’s no tomorrow!
Airman Kolfage also told me that on top of the high-level players who have joined his team, even more have come on board in the last few days. Major titans of industry, and even a conservative Hollywood movie producer. Jaws will definitely drop when he announces everyone who has joined him to get the wall built. He’s not messing around. What’s about to happen will definitely change American history as he said.
What we accomplished in DC will change the course of American History. We will announce our plan late next week! #GoFundTheWall @DonaldJTrumpJr @STEPHMHAMILL @RyanAFournier @RealJamesWoods @MarkDice @DeplorableChoir @PeteHegseth @TuckerCarlson @KatiePavlich
— Brian Kolfage (@BrianKolfage) December 30, 2018
I’ve been good friends & worked with Airman Kolfage for years, and when he says he’s going to do something, he does it, and in a Big way. Exciting things are about to happen & we won’t need Pelosi, or Dems or politicians to fund the wall. We’re going to do it ourselves! Hell yeah, Brian!
Share this if you support Airman Kolfage & want the Wall!
Here’s what you can do to help Airman Kolfage:
To donate to Kolfage’s wall fund, go to the official GoFundMe account HERE
SEND CHECK DONATIONS TO (This is listed on the official GoFundMe account so you can verify):
Make Payable to: WeFund The Wall
Brian Kolfage
4833 Front St. Unit B-158
Castle Rock, CO 80104
The official wall fundraiser site is at www.wefundthewall.com
Follow Airman Kolfage on Twitter HERE
Like his verified Facebook page HERE
To help Kolfage personally:
Purchase coffee from his company by going to www.militarygradecoffee.com
Follow Military Grade Coffee on Instagram
Follow Military Grade Coffee on Twitter
Like Jeff on Facebook HERE for the latest conservative news & inside news on Airman Kolfage’s Wall campaign!
Follow Jeff on Twitter HERE!
Note: I reversed the image of Airman Kolfage in the headline so he would be facing Pelosi. He lost his right arm, it just looks like his left because I flipped the picture. Just so there’s no confusion! Now share the hell out of this! Go, Airman Kolfage!