Most excellent news.
Via Patriot Journal:
“A big win for Trump supporters and American workers – and a big loss for Obama liberals.
President Trump promised to put Americans first. His efforts to restore manufacturing in America has restarted the working class.
But white-collar workers have continued to suffer. Big companies, particularly Silicon Valley tech companies, have abused legal programs to rob jobs from Americans.
Millions of college graduates watched jobs bleed away. And to think—it was all legal!
Now Trump is taking the ax to a decades-old policy that is destroying middle-class jobs.
From American Thinker:
“The proposed restructure of the infamous H-1B temporary foreign worker visa program that has been used by Silicon Valley to dump U.S. tech workers is another example of President Trump honoring his “Buy American and Hire American” executive order.
Nicknamed the “Einstein Visa,” the H-1B program was designed to allow companies to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require specialized knowledge or experience that was not domestically available.
But H-1B over the next 26 years morphed into a job-outsourcing program that substituted up to 460,000 non-immigrant foreign graduates into U.S. jobs.
The Obama administration thrilled Silicon Valley CEOs on October 1, 2016 by approving H-1B Visa expansions including a 78-percent spike for Amazon, a 53-percent rise for Facebook, and 31-percent bump for Google.
But Donald Trump campaigned relentlessly in 2016 against the Trans Pacific Partnership and outsourcing jobs. After his election triumph, an August 2017 poll found 68 percent of voters opposed to corporations outsourcing.
The draft Department of Homeland Security regulations requirement for a pre-registration database for foreign U.S. graduates will allow applicants to be ranked by their level of advanced education and the level of difficulty to fill a job with a U.S. citizen.
There will still be openings for internationally known fashion designers, international marketing experts, gifted doctors, and brilliant software designers. But such pre-registration restrictions will push up the wage costs to hire foreign workers under H-1B.
The higher cost for corporations to hire more H-1B workers is expected to increase recruiting and pay for laid off and underemployed older U.S. workers who are often shunned in favor of cheaper new college graduates and foreign workers on visas.”
More jobs for Americans is never a bad thing! Thank you, President Trump!
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