Has-been Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano mocked triple-amputee vet Airman Brian Kolfage for his wildly successful fundraising project for Trump’s border wall on Twitter, yesterday. Not to be outdone, the Iraq War vet took a huge bite out of her, metaphorically speaking, of course.
Airman Kolfage started raising money to build President Trump’s wall earlier this week. In four days, the triple-amputee has raised a whopping $13 million for construction of the border wall, and there is no end in sight to how high that amount will go.
Now that Brian’s effort to keep murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and cartels out of our country has gone viral, the left are attacking him mercilessly for it.
On Wednesday, Airman Kolfage tweeted:
“$2Million and the mainstream doesn’t even start airing till tomorrow evening! It’s going slow compared to what’s about to happen! KEEP SHARING IT! Encourage everyone to donate. #GoFundTheWall trend it.”
$2Million and the mainstream doesn’t even start airing till tomorrow evening! It’s going slow compared to what’s about to happen!
KEEP SHARING IT! Encourage everyone to donate#GoFundTheWall trend it https://t.co/l7dpYl7iIL @MarkDice @RyanAFournier @DonaldJTrumpJr
— Brian Kolfage (@BrianKolfage) December 20, 2018
Anti-Trump Milano mocked Kolfage for his wall funding project in a Tweet, writing:
“Oh, yes! Let’s #GoFundTheWall while not taking care of our veterans. Cool. Cool. Cool.”
Oh, yes! Let's #GoFundTheWall while not taking care of our veterans. Cool. Cool. Cool.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 20, 2018
Actor James Woods, a well-known conservative, straightened Milano out real quick. Woods responded to the actress, tweeting:
“Uh, this effort was initiated by a veteran, who not incidentally is a triple amputee. Just FYI…”
Uh, this effort was initiated by a veteran, who not incidentally is a triple amputee. Just FYI… https://t.co/fJN0hT10eV
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 21, 2018
Airman Kolfage hilariously responded to Woods today:
“Please excuse her @RealJamesWoods she thought it was a great ‘white’ shark ???? that bit my legs off.”
Please excuse her @RealJamesWoods she thought it was a great ‘white’ shark ???? that bit my legs off. pic.twitter.com/7PPCfGS6fQ
— Brian Kolfage (@BrianKolfage) December 21, 2018
Kolfage then tweeted Milano in a Brutal takedown:
“Hey @Alyssa_Milano I’m curious just how much of your millions have you given to veterans? Don’t talk about it, be about it #Woke #GofundTheWall”
Hey @Alyssa_Milano I’m curious just how much of your millions have you given to veterans? Don’t talk about it, be about it #Woke #GofundTheWall https://t.co/Ny7Ot6pCvO @RealJamesWoods @JenLawrence21
— Brian Kolfage (@BrianKolfage) December 22, 2018
He called out her ignorance of the fact that he’s a combat vet who was severely wounded in war & questioned her dedication to helping veterans. Not only that, but by “white” shark, Kolfage was surely mocking her for her diatribes where she suggests conservatives are racist because they support Trump. Take this Kanye West Tweet of hers where she laments that the rapper supports President Trump, only to have Trump Jr. call her out.
Shocking! It’s almost like this white liberal thinks she’s entitled to bully this black free-thinker into not being himself or believing whatever he wants. https://t.co/GVwPLiSxf5
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 1, 2018
According to The Hill: “Milano’s post came days after West was booed loudly by the “Saturday Night Live” audience following a pro-Trump rant in a “MAGA” hat this weekend.
“There’s so many times I talk to, like, a white person about this and they say, ‘How could you like Trump? He’s racist,’ ” West said while on stage. “Well, uh, if I was concerned about racism, I would’ve moved out of America a long time ago.””
Apparently the “trying-to-stay-relevant” actress is unaware that Kolfage himself is a veteran, not only that, but he is the most severely wounded Airman to survive any war. Airman Kolfage travels the country, attending events to raise money for other severely wounded vets. Kolfage also sits on the boards of several veterans charities.
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Pro-illegal immigrant Milano also tried to blame President Trump for migrant deaths in a recent op-ed for The Guardian UK. She penned the piece in reference to the 7-year-old migrant girl who died after her father didn’t tell the Border Patrol she was sick. Milano wrote in part:
“The White House also took no responsibility, instead blaming Cruz for his daughter’s death. These are the architects of a system that routinely leaves immigrants no option but to cross through the desert. An immigration system that restricts legal entry and then ensures dehydration and detention for those who cross otherwise will naturally have fatal results. In fact, the system is intended to heighten these dangers and then broadcast them to those who would follow. The deaths themselves are the deterrent.”
The Department of Homeland Security blew her argument away, though. DHS stated in a report that the girl died of sepsis, not dehydration. The Border Patrol actually saved the girl’s life, twice. Apparently that was lost on the actress, also.
So Milano has been dealt a triple blow. Not only by James Woods & Airman Kolfage but by DHS as well. Maybe Alyssa will take the hint & go back to “acting” and keep her nose out of things she knows nothing of. Most likely not, but we can always hope.
Excellent job taking on the has-been actress, Airman Kolfage!
Posted by Jeff Rainforth on Saturday, December 22, 2018
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