IT’S HAPPENING! Triple-Amputee Vet & Team Heading To Texas For Border Wall CONSTRUCTION

My friend, triple-amputee vet Airman Brian Kolfage, is heading to Texas on Sunday with members of his “We Build The Wall” team. Airman Kolfage has raised over $20 million since December to build a wall on the southern border.

Kolfage announced part of his all-star team a little over a week ago. A few who serve on the advisory board are Sheriff David A. Clarke, Brigadier General Dr. Robert S. Spalding III, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, founder of Blackwater USA, Erik Prince, Angel Dad Steve Ronnebeck, and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

A few days ago Kolfage announced on his Twitter:

“Our team is in Texas prepping for our arrival this upcoming weekend. Look what’s on the front page! It’s time we stop these cartels from profiting off human smuggling and drugs. They are raping young women and it must stop! We need the wall now!”

Like Jeff on Facebook HERE for the latest conservative news & inside news on Airman Kolfage’s Wall campaign!

Today, Kolfage’s VP of Strategy for “We Build the Wall,” Dustin Stockton, announced the board’s travel plans:

“A quick update for everyone following @WeBuildtheWall. Next week @BrianKolfage and members of advisory board ( ) will be on the border to meet with the contractors, landowners, lawyers, and politicians we are working with to build a wall.”

Stockton continued:

“Our team will have multiple media outlets embedded with us as we tour possible locations for our first segment, review contractor proposals, and meet with Border experts. We have set a very ambitious timeline for breaking ground within months and we are on pace to get it done.”

Share this if you support Airman Kolfage & want the wall!

Leftist news organizations attacked Kolfage when he stated that instead of just raising funds to build a wall, he would form a team that would do it themselves. Fake news media said that all of the $20 million he had raised was being refunded, which wasn’t true. Donors were given the option of having their contributions go towards building the wall, and so far 93% of those responding have chosen to do just that.

Airman Kolfage addressed that a few days ago stating in a post that went viral:

“We have a huge week ahead of us! Traveling to Texas to meet with landowners and border officials with our construction committee ?? ?? ?? wonder what the media will report when we break ground with that $20 mil that was allegedly refunded”

Yesterday Kolfage announced that his committee is reviewing wall plans:

Kolfage is not being paid for what is he doing to get the wall built. He has his own coffee company with which he provides for his family.

The wall is going to be built on private land. It’s going to happen. Kolfage has entire teams working on all of the details & legalities. There are even bigger names behind the scenes who are working with him. Billionaires, elected officials, political power-players, and Hollywood conservatives. It’s massive what they’re doing.

They are laying the groundwork now and the wall is going to be built without Pelosi or Schumer’s permission because we don’t need it! We’re doing it ourselves!

Share this if you support Airman Kolfage & want the wall!

Here’s how you can help Airman Kolfage & his team get the wall built!

This is IMPORTANT. If you donated before January 11th and you want your contribution to go towards CONSTRUCTION of the WALL, you need to tell GoFundMe by clicking the link below:


If you donated after January 11th, your money is going towards the construction of the wall. All donations from here on forward go to build the wall on private land.

Anyone who donated before January 11th has 90 days to tell GoFundMe to use their contribution to build the wall.

Here’s what you can do to help Airman Kolfage get the wall built!

To donate to Kolfage’s wall fund, go to the official GoFundMe account HERE

We Build the Wall, Inc.
PO Box 131567 Houston, Texas 77219-1567

The official wall fundraiser & construction site is at
Follow Airman Kolfage on Twitter HERE
Like his verified Facebook page HERE

To help Kolfage personally:

Purchase coffee from his company by going to
Follow Military Grade Coffee on Instagram
Follow Military Grade Coffee on Twitter

Like Jeff on Facebook HERE for the latest conservative news & inside news on Airman Kolfage’s Wall campaign!

This article was written by Jeff Rainforth for and originally appeared here. It was republished & edited with permission.

Edit: Airman Kolfage’s arrival date was changed from Monday to Sunday after contacting him about his plans.

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